John McConomy is the Commercial Director of OxyMem. OxyMem solves OPEX intensive wastewater treatment using an innovative Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR).
Triple Carbon Reduction, Anglian Water, UK Supported by UK Water Services Regulation Authority, Ofwat We are proud to join Anglian Water Services and an extensive team of partnering companies and academia on the current Triple Carbon Reduction initiative, part of Ofwat's Water Breakthrough Challenge. OxyMem™The Triple Carbon Reduction project is an initiative that will demonstrate how MABR can help the sector minimise process emissions and energy consumption typically associated with municipal biological wastewater treatment. The Triple Carbon Reduction project aims to showcase an integrated solution addressing three potential carbon benefits, aligned with the objectives of the whole water industry to achieve Net Zero by 2030: Demonstrate a viable alternative wastewater treatment process (MABR - Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor) targeting elimination of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from secondary treatment; Achieve up to 85% reduction in energy consumption compared to conventional treatment processes currently in use (i.e. “activated sludge”); Generate oxygen via electrolysis, to be utilised in the MABR process, and green hydrogen for use in applications that are currently challenging to decarbonise (i.e. diesel generators).
Enhanced WWTP nitrification with OxyMem™ MABR Faster, stronger, harder… OxyMem™ MABR (Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor) is a unique biofilm system that can be used to intensify existing wastewater treatment facilities. A microbial film is established on millions of tiny gas-permeable membranes. This biofilm breaks down wastewater pollutants effectively with highly efficient oxygen transfer. Ammonia removal can be enhanced with every additional OxyMem™ unit added.
How to cut emissions from wastewater? On the 21st of September we not only celebrate Zero Emissions Day, but also we are asked to curb our emissions for 24 hours whenever it's possible.
Best time to plant a tree is today… ...if you didn't plant it already. As one Chinese proverb says: The best time to plant trees was 20 years ago, the second-best time is today. Seasons and geographies may influence. In Ireland for example, the Agriculture and Food Development Authority recommends tree planting between November and March. Trees are dormant during this period and can be safely planted as bare-rooted trees. Planting outside of this seasonal window might be possible if using different variety of trees or techniques. Monty Don, a writer, broadcaster and gardening guru, gives a lot of advice and information on how and when to plant trees successfully, but the main recommendation is always to plant small, young trees as early as possible, i.e. 'now', whether you are enriching public spaces, your own garden or perhaps a large re-forestation area. Trees grow slowly, best start today.
OxyMem MABR Deployment and Retrofit As easy as one, two, three… OxyMem MABR is and extremely easy means of enhancing treatment on an existing wastewater treatment plant. Upgrading and enhanced ammonia removal has never been easier. Individual modular MABR units (modules) are easy to load, transport and deploy. How and why?
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