Secondary Treatment with OxyMem MABR

Superior COD removal using Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor in your WWTP's Secondary Treatment Tank.

Using MABR as a pure Biofilm application you can achieve up to 5kg of COD removal per day, per m³.

(eg. module occupies approximately 5m³, so 25kg/day/module)

High energy efficiency

Oxygen transfer efficiency per unit of energy is 14kg O2/kWh. 7X more efficient than Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS) and 15X more energy efficient than Moving Bed BioReactor (MBBR). Energy consumption for Industrial applications is typically 0.125 kWh per kg of COD removed. Energy consumption for typical municipal wastewater treatment is in the order of 0.1 – 0.2 kWh per m³ of wastewater treated.    

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